Friday, September 25, 2009

Tuesday, September 22 2009

Today Frazer went with me to chaperone the 8th grade breakfast at Collegiate.  He did not make it to tutoring. We were finished and had Porter to BAPP early.  We went home and had a very productive morning session.

We went back to the final chapter in Henry and Mudge in Green Time and he did a super job of filling out the 5W questions from the graphic organizer.  He needed slight prompting on the the how but knew and copied any words he did not know easily from the book.  That was exciting!

We moved onto crazy syllables ccvcc pack.  He loves this game.  Unfortunately I won the first two hands even though I tried not to.  He won the third and asked for another which he won.  However, he is always in a good mood about it.

We moved onto some addition games.  We each had a deck of cards 0-10 and we each turned over a card.  He then added to two number together.  We did the deck twice.

Frazer also wrote down all the equations on paper as well.

We moved through this material fairly quickly and did Great Leaps which was solid this morning -- trending the same as yesterday 30/1.  Then off we went to get Porter.

We had to run to Ukrop's before we headed home.  We got food for cooking tomorrow morning at BAPP.  We used then used the recipt after lunch to learn how to add decimals on the calculator.  I didn't introduce the word decimal.  I just said, "one dollar and 14 cents.  1 point 14.    We highlighted the receipt to see how much things cost and how much we saved.  After about 7-8 minutes and Porter interupting us started to fade. I finished up trying to point out the savings on the cheese and crackers.  This was more for introduction.  We need to move to money and I am trying to decide when we have had enough work on time.  I think time is more complicated than I expected and that we should maybe move on and come back.

We worked onthe addition of +1, +2, and +3 with the key.  He is really accurate with these.  I think I may him work on these for accuracy and speed.  We did discuss the need to know facts and understand them.  I feel like I am trying to get him to take some ownership of what he needs to know as well as an understanding of how to to apply that understanding.

Before I tutored tutored Tony, we read the book on verbs. Frazer loves the verse quality and was able to point to pictures int he book that were actions or verbs.  The Brain Cleary books are amazing.


We read the remainder of King of the Windby Marguirite Henry for an hour at  bed time.  What a super book!  I was in tears at the end.  Frazer kept snuggling up.  It was lovely.

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