Tackling the known and unknown...what does he know? Cursive writing is unfamiliar but Frazer is definitely intrigued. The table tops have manuscript and cursive strips. We will tackle cursive later but for now we need to get a handle our work.
We concentrated on telling time by the hour and played a game using dice. He was quite successful knowing whose time was current as compared to the clock hanging in the room. Also, played concentration using playing cards which had three different ways to tell time. Frazer has a grasp of time but his application with a traditional clock face is spotty. I guess when someone asks the time on the go, she or he does not want to wait for Frazer to mentally count through.
He was so fidgety throughout his drill deck but he rocked and got his highest score yet(77). He spelled using SOS hutch and -es, missed and mist, very. We played tic-tac-toe using very, about and could. Two days in a row he spontaneously offered that words the sound the smae and are spelled differently are homophones. Thanks Marmi!
We finished reading Neigh through shared reading. When asked to jot down three ideas about the story, he wrote three complete sentences.
1. "Horsis are nis anemos. (Horses are nice animals)
2. They are fun to rid. (ride)
3. They are bytifll. (beautiful)
He wrote on the wipe board which is an easy way to correct any errors and the flow of the ink on the board also seems appealing. We will edit them and add to them alpha smart which he wants to use. He expresses concern about being correct which is helpful, but I want him to know he can make mistakes. This balance will be a dance -- more limbo than waltz.
William and I talked tonight about the endless swords that Frazer drew at Sabot have not made an appearance in his drawings all summer. I can speculate that he needed more structure or a more direct plan from them. He certainly likes the idea of doing still lifes but now he is picking what he is drawing and his still lifes are improving. He may need those classes with Heidi to further his art understandings. It has been a treat and surprise to see him focus for such extended periods of time. It is nice to know he can outlast his old mom!
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