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Frazer fencing class |
Enveloped in kindness after my post about Houlder's ER visit, names and suggestions filled my FB message box and email box.
There is nothing as scared as knowing one is not alone on the journey.
I am humbled.
Thank you.
Going somewhere else is in the works but it is a process.
Some of you have not known our dilemma or need to try to solve this locally. It lies with our sweet Fraz.
On Wednesday -- just a shift change after leaving the ER with Houlder, Frazer had a MRI under sedation to look for a tumor on his pituitary. The procedure went smoothly and providing some needed comic relief. In recovery when the nurse asked if Frazer would like graham crackers or goldfish, he asked, "Do you have fruit loops?"
I cannot make up stuff that good. For those of you who don't get the joke, see Awaiting Fruit Loops http://starchamberexperience.blogspot.com/2011_02_01_archive.html
Denied his sugary delight, he managed with two bowls of Frosted Flakes and Cartoon Network. Frankly, he lived in high style and by the end of the day he went to his fencing class.
Additionally every person, I mean every person, commented on his blue eyes. I had to giggle. Frazer did not turn his but shrugged his shoulders, "Yeah." See http://starchamberexperience.blogspot.com/2011_01_01_archive.html
Houlder did not get the release of pain.
Thursday morning found us headed to school for Porter's teacher conference, Will to Houston, then Houlder to chiropractor, then back to school for Dell's conference. Then home. Then meeting about Southampton. Then pick up a friend. Then terrible traffic on Cary Street Road and Huguenot Bridge and then Houlder to the acupuncturist.
Oh, a phone message too. The endcrinologist called and left a message on my cell with speedy MRI results. Good news! Frazer does not have the pituitary tumor.
He does have a different tumor.
A different brain tumor.
And the world shrinks and expands.
Arnold-Chiari Malformation.
"Mrs. Hudgins, Frazer will need to be seen by a pediatric neurologist and neurosurgeon. This is out of my field."
I could not make this shit up.
Back to same pediatric neurologist who had just fired us.
Indeedy karma.
We are looking lots of places.
But let's not forget the cardiac team we like for Frazer is here in Richmond. And, the endocrine process to date has recently transferred away from UVA back to Richmond.
Or Houlder.
Or the two other kids.
On the shrinking, our acupuncturist who has worked with us on and off for ten years has been working with another child who has this same thing. Her mom is the national non-profit educational leader. She wants to talk with me.
I am lucky. Frazer is lucky. We will not have to tread down so many fruitless paths.
Maybe lucky is not the right word.
Yes I had to call Will who had to process the info in the Philly airport while I processed in the parking lot of the chiropractor off of Thompson and Grove.
Are we living a daytime soap opera? My hair and outfits are not up to snuff.
A shiny moment came during the afternoon acupuncture treatment when Houlder's pain dropped on the table to a "six" in terms of pain. It did not transfer out of the place. In the car he kind of grabbed as the pain just seemed to jump back into him.
And, just to make sure I am paying Karmic attention, Houlder's pain meds seem to be messing with him -- tightness in chest, weird rash on his toe. At 8:20pm last night I went to a neighbor's to chat and have a glass of wine. Kids were either asleep or reading. Remember Dell is 14. I figured he could call.
Our pediatrician called at 9:30pm, talked to Houlder and suggested he double the meds. I was a delinquent Mom trying to have a moment to myself with a friend and am left with a head scratcher. Did he really say double the meds that are making you chest tight? Houlder called me at 10:15 to say Frazer was up crying worried about me. I came right home. He had slept and then awaken worried I had fallen -- note to God, please don't let this be a premonition.
Houlder has been up almost all night in pain.
Finding new places and doctors managing life in Richmond.
I give you the Clash.
NOthing as sacred -- although I am clearly scared as well but a crappy typist.
ReplyDeleteOh, honey! I know it's hard to be strong, but you are. And it's hard to face up to those insensitive doctors, but you can. And I know you will because these are your kids, trusted into your care. And you take that job seriously. You're doing a wonderful job and your persistence WILL pay off eventually. There has to be a doctor out there with enough general know-how to figure this out. Until then, my prayers, and everyone you know who prays, are with you. (((hugs)))
ReplyDeleteThanks Robin. Power is a strange thing -- finding it, wielding it and using it judiciously. Sorry I had not read this before book club. I would have given you a hug.
ReplyDeleteSusie, I am getting caught up. I AM HERE FOR YOU! Anytime of the night or day, call! I can watch the kids, give you break, deliver wine. You name it! I love you and all of your sweet babies!
ReplyDeleteWow!! I am a horrid friend! I haven't been online much these days (ironically the computer has been giving me massive migraines...oh the irony) I am so sorry I have been missing this :-( I dito what Robin said because she said it beautifully! Hugs and love and if you need a thing...even if it is just a meal I am always up to help out!