Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fifty Percent

Porter reading to Houlder

 In 1982, my 8th grade class traveled from Frederick, Maryland to Kings Dominion in Doswell, Virginia.  I was 13 and rode my forst roller coaster the Rebel Yell.  I had no idea when I got on that the cars would creep up that first incline so slowly.  I was worried that we might not make it.  And then suddenly woosh, we were off.  I would not say I became a roller coaster enthusiast but I ride them. 

Life for the Hudgins is the creep and woosh.  Plugging along trying to find humor in the black cloud hanging over our lives. 

When I first contacted Mayo last May and they told me it would be 15-18 months before they could see Houlder, I lost it.  I wept.  In January I wept to receive the call offering us this appointment in March.
Frazer reading.
And, then we plugged along. 

As I type this I am unpacked but mostly ready.  William will stay with other boys who are on spring break and lay new floors and renovate a half bath.  Some families go skiing or the Caribbean, Houlder and I head to Rochester, MN where it is snowing and they got a fot of snow last week.  Fortunately our hotel is attached to Mayo via a skywalk. 

I will try to update but basically he will meet with one doctor and have bunches of tests and exams.  We will be there at least a week.

I have books loaded on the ipad and am taking a few paper copies. 
Dell hanging with Jack the cat


Dell on block for final swim meet of season

Jack and Annie suffering

Frazer and two buddies's geodesic dome out of newspaper

Porter Tiger Cub

The 43022 and purple and yellow m&m cookies for Shaka.  Trying to help a friend.

Porter ripping up the floor


Porter and Frazer with two friends on an overnight whale watching trip to VA Beach

So this was how we creeped.  Tomorrow we take off.  Thanks to all who have wished us well, hugged me, taken a child, accepted that we have to laugh in order to survive, and who are friends.  Praying for a cure but will accept something to give Houlder his life back.

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