Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cursive, handwriting and the keyboard

It is the age of technology when people get carpal tunnel from texting too much.  Yet the brain science let's us know that there is neural loop that is closed when the thumb and fore and middle finger met that can help with comprehension.  Legibility is not the issue.

Since January we have have slowly worked out into Handwriting Without Tears Cursive.  Amazingly his handwriting is smoother.  His grip is rotten and the more his works on it I am sure that he is a lefty who could not write with his left hand.  Hence the problematic grip and orientation and a few other things despite Occupational Therapy since two and conscious parenting.  The past two days we have experiemented using grips even though HWoT does not advocate grips.  I want to get through he alphabet and so does he.  If the grip helps him hold on, so be it.

He has been copying his memories of the camping trip that he initially dictated to me on Monday.The process is slow and I will have him try keyboarding it in for edits.  I need to see if one is substantially easier so that he can concentrate on spelling and writing and language.

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